And so that night when they were enjoying much frivolity at
the parson's house, Archibald playfully led Lenore directly under the mistletoe. Though she longed to kiss his warm lips, she giggled and squirmed like a schoolgirl, saying she would bestow him a kiss on one condition: if they could procure an evergreen. Archibald laughed merrily, readily agreeing, for he had already thought of buying one as a surprise for her.
With the very next day having seen several feet of snowfall, Archibald arranged a sleigh ride into the countryside and to their mutual delight they found their tree.
Their Tannenbaum was not an eight foot fir like the royals enjoyed, but rather a tiny spruce. However when it was alight with tapers and tinsel and homemade paper chains encircled its branches, it became the perfect tree.
Wishing You Good Tidings this Season!
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