It was love at first sight with furtive glances and shy smiles. Archibald stood amongst a group of men across the room discussing the 1850 Compromise, whilst I was perched beside the punch bowl wondering whether to signal my interest with my fan or hide behind a palm tree. I had no time for either course of action, for he requested the next dance and I happily accepted.
The night was enchanting and I was loathed to have it end. Days passed and I did not know my fate. It turned out Archibald and my father belonged to the same gentleman's club and so over a packet of pipe tobacco and a fine glass of sherry, they agreed upon my dowry. Marriage is for lovers but it is first and foremost a business transaction.
Of course Archibald formally asked for my hand in marriage upon bended knee and with sweet words of endearment.
I was all aflutter with emotion especially when I espied my beautiful engagement ring.
It held seven gemstones: Diamond, Emerald, Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire, and Topaz, which spelled out the word, Dearest.
Our engagement was official and we would now have more freedom to get to know each other better. We could hold hands in public and take carriage rides alone as long as the carriage was open.
We were a joyous match and soon set the day of our wedding:
Marry on Monday for health,
Tuesday for wealth,
Wednesday the best day of all,
Thursday for crosses,
Friday for losses, and
Saturday for no luck at all.
Happy was the day when it finally arrived though I confess I still was quite anxious when father walked me down the aisle.

Postscript: Rosa is getting married today.
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