I, the second Earl Grey, sat by my hearth on an achingly cold winter day. Having spent the morning riding in inclement weather, I could not rid the chill from my bones. A timid knock at my door surprised me, for the servants knew my study was a sanctuary for solitary rumination. My children, all fifteen of them, were grown now, but I warranted the weak tapping was a child's rap. “I'm busy!” I bellowed with, what I thought was, sufficient ferocity. Surprisingly, the knock occurred again with even more force than before. Intrigued, I asked the mysterious visitor to enter.

She scrunched her nose, "Bergamot? Is that the smelly herb in the knot garden?" "No, darling child, that bergamot is Monarda didyma, completely unrelated. This is Citrus bergamia, a tree with yellow fruit, the size of an orange. Though it's native to Italy, I've successfully cultivated it in our greenhouse." Her eyes brightened, "May I taste it, Grandfather? "You'll find it bitter, my dear." "But it's so yummy in my tea," she said, sipping. "Yes, everyone is clamoring for Earl Grey Tea, after your grandmother served it at one of her gatherings."

Earl Grey in the 24th century Captain Picard takes Tea: Earl Grey Hot