Herein follows the promised post for whiling away the hours indoors. I hope you will find it amusing and applicable to your situation. Let's begin with darts. This challenging pursuit originated in Medieval times when soldiers threw arrows or crossbow bolts at upturned wine barrels. It proceeded to tree cross sections and is now found at every respectable pub, but the homeowner can also share the fun in the privacy of their own domicile. The gentleman's back parlor after port and cigars is the most advantageous location, and imported French missiles with split turkey feathers are preferred.

Backgammon can be a lively diversion, especially at country house weekend parties, though the gambling aspect may be objected to by the overly religious.

Chess is for the cerebral inclined and not recommended for large gatherings. The first tournament was held in London in 1851 and won by the brilliant German chess master, Adolf Anderssen.

Whatever your choice of folly, I hope you and your friends and family will share the hours of camaraderie in joyful abandon.